Custom design rosaries are currently unavailable while I focus on restocking the shop well. Please be sure to join the newsletter list to be notified when I am offering them again! ... VIEW POST

Shop News for December
Free Gifts for You! see them hereI have gorgeous blank Christmas cards that are being included in EVERY ORDER placed now throughout the Christmas Season, while supplies last.All orders over $100 will also receive a beautiful Christmas mug.No code needed for either of these gifts!What is the deadline for Christmas orders?Morning Glory Beads is NOT closing during the Advent or Christmas Seasons.All ... VIEW POST

Let Us Pray.
O Mary, you are praying for us,you are always praying for us.We know it, we feel it.Oh what joy and truth,what sublime glory,in this heavenly and human interchange of sentiments,words, and actions,which the rosary always brings us:the tempering of our human afflictions,the foretaste of the peace that is not of this world,the hope of eternal life!prayer by Saint John XXIII ... VIEW POST